拼音:bèi shū英文翻譯
endorsement; repeat a lesson【經】 backing; endorse; endorsement
1.underline 2.indorse 3.endosser 4.indorsement 5.endorsing 6.backing 7.indorsation 8.endorse 9.toendorseacheck例句:
- 請在支票的反面背書。Please endorse the cheque on the back.
- 法律檔案的最後一頁,當摺疊時,它成了外邊的一頁並帶有背書。Last sheet of paper in a legal document which, when fold, become the outside sheet and carry the endorsement.
- 被背書人通過背書而被轉讓給可轉讓檔案所有權的人One to whom ownership of a negotiable document is transferred by endorsement.