拼音:bèi ké英文解釋:
conch; cowry; shell【化】 mother of pearl
(1) ∶貝類的外表硬殼(2) ∶軟體動物的殼(3) ∶牡蠣或蛤的外殼 >>查看“貝殼”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cowry 2.conch 3.oystershell 4.wampum 5.valve 6.shells 7.seashell例句:
- 小貝殼常被用作簡單的貨幣。Small seashells were often used as a primitive kind of money.
- 小女孩把貝殼穿成一串,戴在脖子上。The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.
- 潮水退去,我們就能尋找貝殼了。As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
- 牆上有一個貝殼做成的裝飾品。There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.
- 我們在岸邊找到了好多美麗的貝殼。We found many beautiful shells on the shore.
- 我從北美買了一些貝殼串珠。I brought some wampum from North America.