拼音:bèi kǎo 英文解釋:
for reference
(1) ∶留作參考。一般表格,多有備考一欄,留作記載雜事之用(2) ∶準備參加考... >>
查看“備考”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
codicil 相關對話:
- 老師勸他的學生準備考試。
The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam.
- 他忙著準備考試。
He was busy preparing for the exam.
- 他們正在準備考試。
They were girding for the exam.
- 淺談劍橋商務英文(BEC)口試備考技巧
On Techniques for Preparing Spoken Test of BEC
- 他正在為準備考試而用功。
He's studying up now.
- 現在該開始好好複習準備考試了。
It’s time to start swotting up for the exam.
- 天氣熱得不得了,還有什麽比準備考試更讓人對夏天厭煩?
The dog days of August are upon us.
- 他正在溫習數學, 準備考試。
He is getting up his maths for the exam.