字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>被絞死的英文翻譯


拼音:bèi jiǎo sǐ


【法】 kick the wind


1.danceupon  2.danceonnothing  3.danceontheair  4.dancedontheair  5.earnthewagesofsin  6.dancedonnothing  7.danceontheropes  8.dielikeadog  9.cutacaperuponnothing  10.kicktheclouds  11.wallopinatether  12.behanged  


  1. 我認為所有的強姦犯都應該被絞死
    I think that all rapists should be strung up.
  2. 由於你謀殺了那個手無寸鐵的婦女,你將被絞死
    For the murder of that helpless woman, you shall hang by the neck until you are dead.
  3. 他犯下殘酷的殺人罪, 理應被絞死
    He deserves to swing for that cruel murder.
  4. 星期五謀殺犯被絞死
    The murdered was hanged on Friday.
  5. 被絞死的人吊在三角形板子的一個角的上方。
    14 The hanged man is hung above an angle of the triangle board.
  6. 那個罪犯最後被絞死了。
    The criminal ended up in the gallows.
  7. 那國家已多年沒人被絞死
    There has been no hanging in that country for many years.
