north; northward中文解釋:
北 běi 方向,早晨面對太陽,左手的一邊,與“南”相對:北方。北辰(古書指北...>>查看“北”在國語字典中的解釋
- 東、西、南、北是羅盤上的四個方位基點North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass
- 另一場大火發生在洛杉磯的東北部。Another fire burns in the northeast section of Los Angeles County.
- 一條義大利北部的河流,向東南流入亞得里亞海。a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea
- 還在《湖北水力發電》上發表了兩篇論文。My two papers were published in Hubei Hydroelectric Power last year.
- 冬天在法國出現的強烈的北風。a strong north wind that blows in France during the winter
- 法國巴黎的一個區,位於塞納河北岸或右岸。the region of Paris on the north bank of the Seine.
- 英國是由大不列顛和北愛爾蘭組成的.The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.
- 從《瑪麗·巴頓》到《南方與北方》中主題的延伸Thematic Development from Mary Barton to North and South