拼音:báo zhǐ英文解釋:
flimsy; tissue相關詞條:
1.tissuepaper 2.onionskin 3.flimsy相關對話:
- 聖誕禮物都用薄紙裹起來了。The Christmas presents were wrapped (up) in tissue paper.
- 聖誕禮物都用薄紙裹起來了。The Christmas presents were wrapped (up) in tissue paper.
- 薄紙副本或檔案在這種薄紙上寫下的東西Something written on this thin paper.
- 版畫裹在一張薄紙里。The engraving was rolling up in a sheet of tissue paper .
- 她用一疊薄紙擦去血跡。She used a wad of tissues to wipe away the blood.
- 一條連續的薄紙帶,用於記錄信息。a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written