拼音:bǎo zhèng jīn英文解釋:
bail; cash deposit; margin; recognizance; security【經】 cash deposit as collateral; cash fund; caution money; caution security
deposit; deposit for security; deposit in security; earnest
earnest money; guarantee deposit; guarantee money; guarantee pay
guaranty; guaranty funds; guaranty money; handsel; margin
margin and guaranty; margin requirement; security; surely
token payment; warrant money
(1).為了保證履行某種義務而繳納的一定數量的錢。 陶行知 《中國大眾教育問題》... >>查看“保證金”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 繳納保證金通過存入或添加保證金來購買或持有(證券)To buy or hold(securities) by depositing or adding to a margin.
- 我需要付保證金嗎?Do I need to put down a security deposit?
- 請先交一些保證金給我們好嗎?Would you please deposit some money with us?
- 繳納保證金通過存入或添加保證金來購買或持有(證券)To buy or hold(securities) by depositing or adding to a margin
- 開具保證金及租金收據。Issue the receipt of deposit money and rental money.
- 在交易戶頭上添加保證金Margin up a brokerage account
- 為履行契約買主付給賣主的保證金。money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract.
- 押付定金支付一部分錢或保證金To give as partial payment or security.