字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保證不的英文翻譯


拼音:bǎo zhèng bù


guarantee against; guarantee from


  1. 保證不能有一個觀眾翻過護欄進到球場內。
    Ensure that no spectators were permitted to encroach onto the pitch area.
  2. 我們能保證不會再出現這樣的問題。
    We can guarantee that it wo am #39; t ha en again.
  3. 該名戰俘給予自己的言詞保證不去試著逃跑。
    The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape.
  4. 食品包裝:保證不添加防腐劑。
    Food Packing: No Preservative Added.
  5. 他們要求保證不再發生類似事件。
    They demanded a guarantee that no similar incident would occur again .
  6. 如果我把秘密悄悄告訴你,你是否保證不說出去?
    If I whisper you my secret will you promise not to tell?
  7. 陪審團成員保證不讀該報。
    The member of the jury have undertake not to read the newspaper.
  8. 我向你保證不會發生這種情況。
    I assure you that is not likely to happen.
