拼音:bào zhà shēng英文解釋:
detonation; report【電】 explosive sound
1.explosivesound 2.chugging 3.detonationsound 4.explosionsound相關對話:
- 那爆炸聲一英里外也可以聽到。The explosion was heard a mile away.
- 馬聽到爆炸聲受了驚。The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion.
- 爆炸聲一響,人群便驚慌起來。The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion.
- 噗噗聲一種嘈雜的噗噗或爆炸聲,比如火車頭髮出的聲音A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive.