拼音:bǎo zàng 英文解釋:
precious deposits; storehouse中文解釋:
(1) ∶蘊藏在地下的礦產資源開發地下寶藏(2) ∶泛指儲藏的珍寶或珍貴物品雕刻... >>
查看“寶藏”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
storehouse 2.
Treasury 3.
treasure 漢語造句:
- 矮妖精愛爾蘭民間傳說中一種小精靈,可以向抓住它的人指示隱藏的寶藏
One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him.
- 大寶藏的發現者
A finder of great hidden treasure.
- 一個願望是珍藏在心底的寶藏。
A wish is a treasured in your heart
- 要想找到寶藏,你就得仔細看那個符號表。
To be able to find the treasure, you have to carefully follow the key.
- 西二3一切智慧和知識的寶藏,都藏在他裡面。
Col. 2:3 In whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.
- 寶藏位於此處偏南分秒處。
the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here.