拼音:bào xìn英文解釋:
inform; notify中文解釋:
把訊息告訴人 >>查看“報信”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 向某人通風報信give secret information to sb.; tip sb. off
- 發出響亮尖利聲音的警報信號。a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
- 莫爾斯電碼里兩個電報信號里較長的一個。the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code.
- 通風報信divulge secret information; tip sb. off
- 用無線電傳送電報信息(通常使用莫爾斯電碼)。the use of radio to send telegraphic messages (usually by Morse code).
- 夜盜警鐘發出的響亮的警報信號。a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm
- 莫爾斯電碼里兩個電報信號里較短的一個。the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code.