拼音:bǎo xiǎn gōng sī英文解釋:
insurer【經】 assurer; insurance company
承擔保險業務的機關。公司定期向投保者收取一定的費用,投保者若在保險範圍內受到意外... >>查看“保險公司”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我們保險公司一般承保水漬險。Our company generally underwrites W P A
- 你們應該向保險公司索賠。You should make a claim with the insurance company
- 我一直在一家保險公司擔任秘書工作。I have been a secretary in an insurance company
- 要不是辦像釀酒廠或保險公司這樣的副業,他們沒有多少人只靠藝術就能過的舒舒服服。as a brewery or an insurance office
- 法院聽取了保險公司代表的意見。The court heared the representative of the insurance company.
- 他將損害向保險公司作了匯報。He reported the damage to the insurance company.
- 他的保險公司不賠償他最近的小小車禍損失。His insurance company will not cover the cost of his recent fender-bender.
- 出了車禍後,你向保險公司要求賠償了嗎?Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident