拼音:bǎo xiǎn英文解釋:
assurance; insurance; insure; safety【計】 guarding
【醫】 insurance
【經】 assurance; insurance; insure; safety
(1) ∶按約定的條件或按給定的費率,通常對由可能發生的事件(如死亡、火災、水災... >>查看“保險”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 請給我方平安險的保險費率。Please give us the policy rates for F P A coverage
- 保險金額此類契約規定的保險的金額或比例The sum or rate for which such a contract insures something.
- 無法定繼續人的,轉入社會養老保險基金。Do not have a heir at law, turn into fund of social endowment insurance
- 斷流器,保險裝置(用以切斷電路)Device that switches off or breaks an electric circuit
- 口齒不清的大黃蜂撞上了一個鄉下人別克車的保險槓。The bumbling bumblebee bumped the bumper of a bumpkin’s Buick
- 農村大病醫療保險方案中居民就醫經濟風險測量(Ⅱ)The Measurement of Economic Risk for Medical Service in Rural Ares (II)
- 汽車保險槓用增韌PP材料的研究A Study of Toughened PP for Car Bumper
- 短路會燒斷保險絲的。A short circuit will blow the fuse