拼音:bào tóng 英文解釋:
newsboy; newsman; newsy中文解釋:
在街上賣報的兒童 >>
查看“報童”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
newsy 2.
paperboy 3.
newspaperboy 漢語造句:
- 他是個送報的報童。
He is a newspaper boy.
- 報童提早一天來收報費,霍布斯太太的錢不夠交付。
Mrs Hobbs was caught short when the newspaper boy came for his money a day early.
- 報童賣報或送報的小男孩
A boy who sells or delivers newspapers.
- 報童賣報或送報的小男孩
A boy who sells or delivers newspapers
- 一個報童正在尖聲叫賣號外。
A newsboy was screaming an extra
- 報童的叫賣聲
the cry of a newspaper seller
- 將會發現報童們在前面的台階上高聲叫賣報紙。
Newsboys will be found barking their wares on the front steps.