字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>爆裂聲的英文翻譯


拼音:bào liè shēng


crack; crepitation
【醫】 craquement


1.crackle  2.crack  3.crackling  4.crash  


  1. 爆炸聲,爆裂聲因爆炸或爆裂而產生的高而尖的聲音
    The loud, sharp sound made as a result of either of these actions.
  2. 爆炸聲,爆裂聲因爆炸或爆裂而產生的高而尖的聲音
    The loud, sharp sound made as a result of either of these actions
  3. 突然響起一聲爆裂聲——像汽車的逆火聲。
    A sudden report rang out--like the sound of a car backfiring.
  4. 使發出尖銳的爆裂聲
    To cause to make a sharp, snapping sound
  5. 火炮或拔塞子發出的小而快的爆裂聲
    a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork
  6. 使發出尖銳的爆裂聲
    To cause to make a sharp, snapping sound.
  7. 爆裂發出劈啪聲或爆裂聲;爆裂
    To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.
  8. 彩包爆竹外面包有裝飾性硬紙板的小圓筒,裡面裝有糖果或聚會紀念品,從一端或兩端同時拉出紙繩時,會發出爆裂聲
    when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn
