拼音:bǎo hù rén英文解釋:
guardian; patron【經】 conservator; guardain
受託對人或物保護、保全或維護的人 >>查看“保護人”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 保護人或者事物的動作行為。the activity of protecting someone or something.
- 這個護身符將保護人不致著魔。This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits
- 這種庇護所能夠保護人們不受核子彈的輻射微塵。a shelter to protect occupants from the fallout from an atomic bomb.
- 這種庇護所能夠保護人們不受核子彈的輻射微塵。a shelter to protect occupants from the fallout from an atomic bomb
- 威爾遜先生可說是整個球隊的保護人。MrWilson is sort of a sugar daddy to the whole team
- 看家狗訓練用來保護人或財物的狗A dog trained to guard people or property.
- 看家狗訓練用來保護人或財物的狗A dog trained to guard people or property
- 威爾遜先生可說是整個球隊的保護人。Mr.Wilson is sort of a sugar daddy to the whole team.