拼音:bāo gōng英文解釋:
contractor【經】 contract work; job work
(1) ∶按照某項要求和期限完成規定的生產任務(2) ∶按完成的工作量計算工資的... >>查看“包工”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.contractwork 2.contractforwork 3.jobwork 4.taskwork例句:
- 服裝業中的外包工通常工酬菲薄。Outworkers in the clothing industry are usually badly paid.
- 該公司同意包工包料。The firm agreed to contract for labour and material.
- 大力發展對外承包工程和勞務合作;to work hard to develop overseas project contracting and labor cooperation;
- 一項金額達7500萬美元的承包工程已由一家瑞典公司得標。A $75 M contract has been awarded to Swedish construction firm
- 請一位包工估計一下修這個樓得花多少錢。Ask a contractor to estimate for the repair of the building
- 請一位包工估計一下修這個樓得花多少錢。Ask a contractor to estimate for the repair of the building .