拼音:bāo bàn英文解釋:
be the whole show; monopolize everything【法】 arbitrary decision
(1) ∶一手負責辦理 這事由我包辦(2) ∶獨自把持,不讓人參與嘿,他們兩人全... >>查看“包辦”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 切忌我黨包辦一切。On no account should our Party monopolize everything.
- 這是一例表面看來很成功的包辦婚姻。This is an example of the apparent success of arranged marriage.
- 我的上司想參加日本的包辦旅行團。My boss would like to join the packaged tour of Japan.
- 嘿,你!這工作是我包辦的——它被分派給我了!Hey, you! I am casing this job - it was assigned to me!
- 包辦婚姻marriage upon arbitrary decision by a third party
- 我的姑母著迷於旅行社包辦的西班牙度假。My aunt is hooked on package holidays in Spain
- 放手,就不要事事躬親,包辦善後;而是在需要是伸出援助之手。To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
- 過去是這樣,現在我租了一套包辦家務的房間。I used to, but now I have got a service flat.