拼音:bān yùn gōng英文翻譯
hamal【經】 carrier; remover
1.porter 2.hauler 3.hamal 4.stevedore 5.carter 6.hodman 7.removalist 8.remover 9.hummaul 10.carry-outboy例句:
- 那個行李搬運工看來不太高興。—你沒有給他足夠的小費,這就是原因所在。That porter didn't look to pleased.—You didn't give him a big enough tip; that's what it is(was).
- 搬運工扛著這些行李壓得直不起腰來。The porter was weighed down by all the luggage.
- 你記得給搬運工小費了嗎?Did you remember to tip the porter?
- 搬運工會把你的行李搬到你的房間去的。The porter will carry your luggage to your room.