- 莫莉馬奧尼:我想要一根棒棒糖,卻得到了一隻狐猴!
Molly Mahoney: I asked for a lollipop and I got a lemur!
- 理髮師把棒棒糖分發給所有的孩子們。
The barber gives out free out free collipops to all the children.
- 在英格蘭,冰棒被稱為冰棒棒糖。
in England a popsicle is called an ice lolly
- 我給孩子買了幾根棒棒糖。
I bought the child some sticks of candy.
- 我要以一支棒棒糖換你的蘇打汽水。
I will give you a candy Bar in exchange for your soda pop.
- 彩虹的景象,滋味就好像多汁,多彩,甜的棒棒糖。
The scene of a rainbow tastes like a juicy, colorful and sweet lollipop
- 舔吃棒棒糖
to lick a lollipop
- 彩虹的景象,滋味就好像多汁,多彩,甜的棒棒糖。
The scene of a rainbow tastes like a juicy, colorful and sweet lollipop.