defame; slander; vilify例句
- 他企圖敗壞對手名聲反而自食其果,被控以誹謗罪。His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
- 在政治事務中遭對手誹謗是常有的事。In politics you expect to get smeared by your opponents.
- 由於她發表了關於公司安全記錄的言論,該公司正以誹謗罪起訴她。Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record.
- 這項有關賄賂的指控是對一個正直公民的無恥誹謗。This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen.
- 這對我是惡意的誹謗。It's a malignant slander to me.
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