拼音:bǎn dèng英文解釋:
wooden stool中文解釋:
用狹長的厚木板做的一種無靠背長凳 >>查看“板凳”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 坐冷板凳者不受投資人青睞的保險機構、公司或企業A security, a company, or an industry that is out of favor with investors.
- 坐冷板凳者不受投資人青睞的保險機構、公司或企業A security, a company, or an industry that is out of favor with investors
- 資源要豐富得多,以至於天才球員被無情地放在板凳上。The resources are so much greater, the stockpiling of talent so relentless.
- 為長板凳裝墊Cushion a bench
- 10年前,他們收養這隻小狗,取名“板凳”。Ten years ago, they adopted a little dog and named it “stool”
- 做工粗糙的板凳a rude bench
- 我跨過板凳,坐到了自己的書桌前。I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk.