字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>板的英文翻譯 “板”的日文翻譯



bat; board; plank
【計】 board
【醫】 assula; bar; board; disc; disci; discus; disk; lamella; lamellae
lamina; laminae; plasue; plate; table; tabula; tile


板 (⑥闆) bǎn 成片的較硬的物體:案板。板子。木板。板上釘釘。 詔書:詔...


  1. 我們的新老一心要我們忙個不停。
    Our new boss is determined to keep us all on our toes.
  2. 他對老一味地順從。
    He is servile to his boss.
  3. 在洗滌槽旁邊,可置放洗過的盤碟等使之晾乾的木
    a board beside a kitchen sink and inclined to drain into the sink
  4. 我去見老時心裡非常緊張。
    I have my heart in my boots when I go to see my boss.
  5. 他把椅子擱到一旁, 坐在地上。
    Setting the chair aside, he sat on the floor.
  6. 的速度會影響球的速度和方向嗎?
    Does the speed of the paddle influence the ball speed and direction?
  7. 把……置入條箱;為了保護起見。
    put into a crate; as for protection
  8. 映入眼帘的情景使我難以起面孔。
    The sight that met my eyes made it hard to keep a straight face
