拼音:bà miǎn 英文解釋:
【法】 recall中文解釋:
(1) ∶選民或代表機關撤銷所選出的人員的職務常委會由代表大會選舉或者罷免(2)... >>
查看“罷免”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我不知道他是怎樣被投票罷免的。
I wonder how he got voted out of office.
- 選民或選舉單位有權罷免自己選出的代表。
Voters or electoral units have the right to recall their deputies.
- 股東擁有選擇和罷免董事的權力。
Shareholders retain the power to elect and remove directors.
- 免職,罷免免去頭銜或官職
A removal of rank or office
- 免職,罷免免去頭銜或官職
A removal of rank or office.
- 廢黜;使從重要位置下台使從顯赫的或有極大權力的位置上被罷免下來
To remove from a prominent or powerful position
- 由選舉產生的法官可經投票罷免。
Elected judges may be removed by a recall vote
- 國家元首被軍隊罷免了。
The head of state was deposed by the army.