拼音:bái yín英文翻譯
silver【經】 silver
- 接下來的是遜於黃金時代的白銀時代。The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden.
- 弱蛋白銀商標名稱,作局部消毒用於蛋白銀化合物A trademark used for a silver-protein compound employed as a local antiseptic.
- 白銀時代之後就是青銅時代。人們的稟性更加粗野,動輒就要大興干戈,但是還沒有達到十惡不赦的地步。Next to the Age of Silver came that of brass, more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms, yet not altogether wicked.
- 黃金和白銀的起伏不定的價格The fluctuating value of gold and silver.