拼音:bǎi yī bǎi shùn 英文解釋:
docile and obedient中文解釋:
不論要什麼,說什麼,都依從,一味順從而不問是非 >>
查看“百依百順”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 由於她是獨女,父母對她總是百依百順。
Since she was an only child, her parents pandered to her every whim.
- 他對她的性子百依百順。
He panders to her every whim.
- 由於她是獨女,父母對她總是百依百順。
Since she was an only child, her parents pandered to her every whim
- 要他對老闆百依百順真使他無法接受。
It sticks in his throat to have to take any order from his boss.
- 那位母親對她的嬰孩百依百順。
The baby had his mother on a string.
- 那位母親對她的嬰孩百依百順。
The baby had his mother on a string