拼音:bái tiān英文解釋:
day; daytime【醫】 day
(1) ∶日升與日落之間或從黎明到黑夜之間的時間(2) ∶一天中有日光的這一段時... >>查看“白天”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.light 2.Morning. 3.day-time 4.daylight例句:
- 我醒來時已是白天。When I woke up, it was already day.
- 我們不能在白天看到星星。We can't see stars in the daytime.
- 我們白天工作晚上休息。We work in the day and rest at night.
- 這種炎熱的天氣在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困難。The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
- 你最好白天把功課做完。You'd better finish your work in daytime.
- 指望我白天黑夜都工作是不合情理的。It's unreasonable to expect me to work all day and all night.
- 你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天卻看不到。You can see stars by night, but not by day.
- 貓頭鷹白天睡覺晚上工作。Owls sleep by day and work at night.