拼音:bài fǎng 英文解釋:
look up; look in; visit; wait on
(1) ∶敬詞,看望並談話天剛交黑時去拜訪了幾位朋友(2) ∶短時間看望(趙秀才... >>
查看“拜訪”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
beatupthequartersof 2.
look-in 3.
lookup 4.
visited 5.
visiting 6.
visit 7.
waiton 8.
dutyvisit 9.
comeround 10.
callonsb 11.
callupon 12.
payavisitto 13.
makeavisitto 漢語造句:
- 我儘量去拜訪每一位女士。
I was all for calling on each of these ladies.
- 我將在聖誕節前後去拜訪你。
I will visit you around Christmas.
- 在拜訪岳父之前,他把鞋子擦黑。
He blacked his shoes before visiting his father-in-law.
- 醫生定期到這家進行拜訪,檢查嬰兒有沒有問題。
The doctor made periodic visit to the house to see if the baby was all right.
- 你的拜訪對我來說是一種光榮。
The meaning of your visit was translated to me as a sign of your affection.
- 他們動身去拜訪他們的朋友。
They were off to visit a friend of theirs.
- 明天我將要去拜訪他。
Tomorrow I'll pay a call on him.
- 讓我們去拜訪他們吧。
Let's go visit them.