拼音:bái diàn fēng英文解釋:
【化】 leucoderma【醫】 epichrosis leucasmus
皮膚病。因皮膚色素消失而引起。症狀為皮膚上呈現大小不等的一片片白斑。一般不痛不癢... >>查看“白癜風”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 沙烏地阿拉伯白癜風患者對PUVA治療的反應Response of vitiligo to PUVA therapy in Saudi patients
- 攜帶維生素D受體基因純合子bb、aa或tt基因型可能會增加對白癜風的易感性。The bb,aa or tt genotype will increase the susceptibility of vitiligo.
- ③白癜風並非完全後天發病 ,少數出生時即可發生③A few vitiligo cases onset while born, not all acquired
- 報告1例斑禿伴白癜風和盤狀紅斑狼瘡。A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported
- 斑禿伴白癜風和盤狀紅斑狼瘡1例Alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE:a case report
- 報告1例斑禿伴白癜風和盤狀紅斑狼瘡。A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.