拼音:bái diǎn英文解釋:
【化】 flakes相關詞條:
1.fisheye 2.shattercrack 3.fisheye 4.flake 5.whitespot 6.lemonspot漢語造句:
- 黑白點子混合而呈灰色的纖維。a fabric woven with flecks of light and dark
- 黑底白點的布cloth with white spots on a black background
- 黑白點子混合而呈灰色的纖維。a fabric woven with flecks of light and dark.
- 教師反覆不斷地訓誨那幾名調皮搞蛋的男生,力圖使他們明白點事理。The teacher tried to beat some sense into those few naughty boys.
- 在光學字元閱讀器中,在字元內由墨水包圍著的空白點。In OCR, a light spot in a character surrounded by ink