拼音:bà gōng zhě英文解釋:
striker【經】 striker
- 由40 名罷工者組成了一個代表團。A deputation of 40 strikers was organized
- 罷工者的行為是不合理的。The action of the strikers was unjustified.
- 這位部長被憤怒的罷工者的一陣怒罵侵襲。The minister was assaulted by a barrage of abuse from the angry strikers.
- 這位部長被憤怒的罷工者的一陣怒罵侵襲。The minister was assaulted by a barrage of abuse from the angry strikers
- 經理的話被罷工者們反對的喊聲所淹沒。The manager’s remarks were lost in the strikers’ shouts of disapproval.
- 被雇用的破壞罷工者,工賊A hired strikebreaker
- 發言人列數罷工者的要求。A spokesperson enumerated the strikers’ demands
- 老闆同意向罷工者做出讓步。The boss agreed to meet the strikers half way