拼音:bā fāng 英文解釋:
all direction
東、西、南、北、東南、西南、西北、東北八個方向 >>
查看“八方”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我們把傳單撒向四面八方。
We sent the leaflets flying.
- 四面八方立即伸出援助之手。
Offers of help are coming in thick and fast
- 流行歌曲的愛好者紛紛從四面八方向音樂會的舉辦地點聚集.
Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.
- 向四面八方打擊
To strike blows on all sides.
- 氣體的分子非常迅速地向四面八方運動著。
The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions
- 雖然所贈的只是一些舊衣物,卻體現了大家一方有難、八方支援的精神。
Of CAAC, who would later deliver the clothes to Shanghai Red Cross.
- 一個道路網從鎮中心向四面八方伸展出去。
A system of roads radiates from the town center.
- 我們從四面八方向該城發起攻擊。
We assaulted the city on all sides.