eight【醫】 octa-; octo-
八 bā 數名,七加一(在鈔票和單據上常用大寫“捌”代):八面玲瓏。八卦(《周...>>查看“八”在國語字典中的解釋
- 八角屬的幾種常綠灌木和小木的任何一種。any of several evergreen shrubs and small trees of the genus Illicium.
- 今晚八頻道電視有特別節目。There will be a special on Channel 8 tonight
- 下次開會時間定在晚上八點二十分。The time appointed for the next meeting was 8 : 2 0 p.m. .
- 我從不錯過八頻道6點30分播放的國際新聞節目。I never miss the world news coming around at six thirty on channe l8.
- 坎貝爾表示:“在過去的八年中我遇到些麻煩。Campbell said: "There has been a lot of hurt over the past eight years
- 它是不是八怪其中的一怪呀?Is it one of the eight weird things?
- 四十八個工作站被連線到一個轂。Forty-eight workstations are connected to a hub
- 函式的作用是:將一個八進制數轉換為十進制。The octdec function converts an octal number to a decimal number