拼音:āo xiàn英文解釋:
cave; pit; sunk【化】 dent
【醫】 introcession; pitting; umbilication
周圍高中間低 >>查看“凹陷”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 腔尤指骨頭的腔或凹陷的表面A cavity or hollowed surface, especially of a bone.
- 以蜂窩狀空腔的形式凹陷(像蜂窩一樣)。pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb)
- 那個凹陷不大,用不著把它錘平。That dent is not big enough to be worth hammering out.
- 由於長期生病,他的雙眼向內凹陷。Because of long illness his eyes fell in.
- 火山口凹陷的中心The depressed center of a crater.
- 凹處凹陷處或小洞小坑An indentation or small hollow.
- 在表面或邊緣或在海岸線上的凹陷形狀。a concave shape in a surface or edge or coastline etc..
- 凹陷的臉a dished face