- 忘憂藥奧德賽中提到的一種藥,作為一種醫治憂愁的藥劑
A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief.
- 《奧德賽》史詩中歌頌了奧德修斯的豐功偉績。
Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in The Odyssey'.
- 我們發現生命就在我們的奧德賽長途冒險之旅過程中是如何去形成了一個圓圈圈。
We found how life is a circle in our Odyssey, our travels.
- 我們發現生命就在我們的奧德賽長途冒險之旅過程中是如何去形成了一個圓圈圈。
We found how life is a circle in our Odyssey, our travels
- 塞西把奧德賽的幾個同伴都變成了豬。
Crice metamorphosed the companions of Odysseus into swine.
- 辦公室文員:早上好。這裡是奧德賽企劃公司。我能為您提供什麼幫助嗎?
OFFICE ASSISTANT: Good morning. Odyssey Promotions. How may I help you?
- 就好像奧德賽一樣,我們在一些特別的片刻感到我們回到了家。
Like Odysseus, we felt at some special moment that we were home.