拼音:ān yì英文解釋:
coziness; ease中文解釋:
安閒舒服退休了而且過著安逸的生活貪圖安逸 >>查看“安逸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lotusland 2.lotusland 3.Atease. 4.coziness 5.cosiness 6.ease 7.idleness 8.dolcefarniente 9.leisure相關對話:
- 這位退休老人生活過得很安逸。The retired old man is living at his ease.
- 斯特朗不願過那一種循規蹈距的安逸舒適的生活,自己奮鬥去了。Strong refused to live the tame easy life that he could have lived but struck out for himself.
- 一個革命者在一生中的任何時刻,都不應該停止戰鬥去過安逸的生活。At no point in his life should a revolutionary lie back and take life easy.
- 他過著安逸的生活。He lives an easy life.