拼音:ān shēn 英文解釋:
make one's home; take shelter
(1) ∶在某地居住和生活——多指在困難條件下無處安身(... >>
查看“安身”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
nestle 相關對話:
- 厄庇墨透斯的家裡放著一個瓮,裡面裝著一些害人精。他因為一直忙著打點人類在新住地安身,還沒有顧得上處理它們。
fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion
- 無處安身
have nowhere to make one's home
- 閉口深藏舌,安身處處牢。
It is good to have a hatch before the door
- 失調,精神不安身體或精神不適,尤其指小毛病
A physical or mental disorder, especially a mild illness
- 母語是安身立命的助緣
Mother tongue : anchor of our life and spirit
- 又如何能找到安身之所?
How can we solve this issue?
- 他為窮人提供暫時的安身之處。
He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy
- 恐怖分子在這裡將找不到安身之處
Terrorists will not find a safe haven here