拼音:ān quán mào英文解釋:
safety helmet【機】 helmet
用來保護頭頂而戴的鋼製或類似原料制的淺圓頂帽子 >>查看“安全帽”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.skullprotector 2.safetyhelmet 3.safetycap 4.helmet 5.hardhat 6.protectivehat 7.hat 8.rdhat 9.protectingcap 10.headgear 11.crashhelmet 12.protectiveworkhelmet中英例句:
- 到工地的所有參觀者必須帶上安全帽。All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.
- 安全帽一種工人們在工業生產環境中戴的通常用金屬或加強塑膠製成的輕型保護頭盔A lightweight protective helmet, usually of metal or reinforced plastic, worn by workers in industrial settings.
- 到工地的所有參觀者必須帶上安全帽。All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.
- 騎機車不戴安全帽很危險。It is not safe to ride a bike without a helmet
- 記得戴安全帽。Remember to wear your helmet.
- 為什麽你應該穿戴一頂全罩式的安全帽?Why should you wear a full-face helmet
- 請戴上安全帽!Put on your safety helmet, please!