拼音:ān níng英文解釋:
【化】 meprobamate【醫】 meprobamate
(1) ∶秩序正常,沒有騷擾(2) ∶心情安定、平靜 >>查看“安寧”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.Miltown 2.peace 3.meprobamate 4.well-being 5.welfare相關對話:
- 她那斬不斷的思緒使她不得安寧。Her haunted imagination gave her no peace.
- 我女朋友嘮叨著要我去理髮,因此我今天終於去理了。只要能保持安寧,那還是值得的。My girlfriend keeps on nagging me to get a haircut so I finally had one today; it was worth it if only to keep the peace.
- 我所要的只是安寧。All I want is peace and quiet.
- 我們有些人非常重視安寧與舒適,有些人重視快樂與刺激。Some of us value peace and comfort very highly. Others value pleasure and excitement.