拼音:ān lè英文解釋:
安寧快樂回歸故里,度過老年的安樂生活 >>查看“安樂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.ease 2.easiness例句:
- 他的同事祝他退休後幸福安樂。His colleagues wished him happiness on his retirement.
- 這是不使安樂死公開的代價。That is one price of keeping euthanasia secret.
- 在嚴酷的現實面前,她要修築一個安樂窩的夢想破滅了。Her dream of building a garden of Eden was shattered in the harsh reality.
- 這個孩子在又大又軟的安樂椅中蜷著身子, 手裡拿著一本書。The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book.
- 安樂死案例分析Analysis of case of Euthnasia
- 這個孩子在又大又軟的安樂椅中蜷著身子, 手裡拿著一本書。The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book