字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>暗箭的英文翻譯 “暗箭”的日文翻譯


拼音:àn jiàn


a stab in the back; an arrow shot from hiding


(1) ∶從暗地裡射出的箭(2) ∶比喻暗中傷人的手段暗箭難防暗箭傷人 >>查看“暗箭”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她是個暗箭傷人 詭計多端的*子。她活該受到--
    She was a conniving, manipulative bitch who deserved--
  2. (陳先生是個暗箭傷人的人,所以他的朋友疏遠他。)
    Being a snake in the grass, Mr Chen has drifted apart from his friends
  3. 誹謗如暗箭,遠處可殺人。
    Slander is compared to an arrow because it kills at a distance.
  4. 這種惡毒的謊言完全是暗箭傷人。
    Such a vicious lie is nothing but a stab in the back
  5. 明槍易躲,暗箭難防。
    There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy
  6. (陳先生是個暗箭傷人的人,所以他的朋友疏遠他。)
    Being a snake in the grass, Mr. Chen has drifted apart from his friends.
  7. 誹謗如暗箭,遠處可殺人。
    Slander is compared to an arrow because it kills at a distance
  8. 這樣一種惡毒的謊言簡直是暗箭傷人。
    Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back
