拼音:ǎi rén英文解釋:
elf; pygmy; scrub【醫】 dwarf; homunculus
(1).身材短的人。參見“ 矮人看場 ”。(2).識見淺短的人。 清 周亮工 ... >>查看“矮人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 14一個矮人聖武士計畫帶領一隻大軍進駐群山。14 A dwarf paladin plans to lead a great army into the mountains.
- 14一個矮人聖武士計畫帶領一隻大軍進駐群山。14 A dwarf paladin plans to lead a great army into the mountains
- 矮人不尋常地矮小的個體An individual of unusually small size.
- 大多數小朋友都喜歡讀“白雪公主和七個小矮人”的故事。Most of children like the "snow white" story.
- 01矮人城市中最深的那口井鄭漸漸枯竭。01 The deepest wells in a dwarf city are slowly drying up
- 矮人乘坐獅鷲到達黑石塔.Dwarves arrive at Blackrock Spire on Gryphons.
- 那矮人踮起腳把紙條用釘子按在牆上。The short man nailed the message to the wall on tiptoe.
- 07幾個黑暗精靈在企圖潛入矮人城市時被捕獲。07 Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city