拼音:ài mèi英文解釋:
ambiguity; obliquity; shadiness; vagueness【法】 shuffle
(1) ∶昏暗;幽深(2) ∶模糊;不清晰(3) ∶態度不明朗或行為不可告人曖昧... >>查看“曖昧”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他的答覆非常曖昧。His reply was full of ambiguities.
- 那個曖昧的謠言證明是錯的。The vague rumor proved to be false.
- 他對該問題的看法頗曖昧。He has rather indefinite views on the question.
- 和賽會之間的曖昧關係A cozy agreement with the competition
- 曖昧的回答,故意的不信任故意說得模稜兩可的話,不明確的話An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement
- 愛講閒話的人,三姑六婆經常傳播他人曖昧關係或隱私的謠言或事實的人A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.
- 同時和兩個人保持著曖昧的關係。carry on a romantic relationship with two people at the same time
- 他們的曖昧交往未能發展成為持久的關係。Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship