字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>挨餓的的英文翻譯


拼音:āi è de


belly-pinched; hungry; starved


1.starveling  2.bellypinched  


  1. 他們實際上正面臨挨餓的危險。
    They were in fact in the very teeth of starvation.
  2. 你對忍飢挨餓的人 所受的苦難怎么能 漠不關心?
    How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of people who are starving?
  3. 縱情享受時,我要記得挨餓的日子。
    If I overindulge I will think of past hungers.
  4. “好一件神奇的雕刻!”挨餓的穿著背心的收割者說
    “What gqxwzp a marvelous carving!” the starving harvester in vest said
  5. 環境逼得她為挨餓的兒女偷竊食物。
    She is driven by necessity to steal food for her starving children.
  6. 法蘭西的工人並不是唯一挨餓的工人。
    The workers of France were not the only ones who were being starved .
  7. 我們看到挨餓的兒童悲慘可憐的樣子。
    We saw the pathetic sight of starving children.
  8. 他正處在挨餓的邊緣。
    He is on the margin of bare subsistence.
